金満僊楼乃道教玉山派,于 1949 年由中国.广东.佛山迁移至香港。现任主持陆名皓道长现乃中国陆丰市道教协会顾问及多间中国道观之顾问。

本观从事:术数,哲理,掌相,命理,升运解厄,祈福功德, 善终法事,道教科仪理学等。

新加坡观于 2002 年成立,主席蔡小姐。


从 2003 年起,新加坡观在以下年份分别主办过多次义务法会

2003 年法会在文忠路主办祈福超幽义务功德,同时为新加坡意外往亡之先灵超度。

2005 年法会在红山主办上元天宫赐福暨清明思亲法会,同时为新加坡精神病身亡及意外身亡者超度;最后另加印度洋海啸天灾者超幽法会(晚报有为此法会做专访)

2007 年有感精神病而亡者日多,故在文忠路主办熄灾万缘法会,同时为新加坡精神病身亡者及戦争身亡超度。

2008 年四川发生中国有史之大地震,在文忠路主办纯阳赐福消灾法会,暨四川地震身亡者及同时为新加坡精神病亡者超度。

2011 年日本地震伤亡惨绝人寰,故不计日本在第二次世界大战之罪,于宏茂桥第二工业区主办:纯阳吕祖先师宝诞法会。同时为日本地震枉亡者、中国戦争身亡者、新加坡暨东南亜海陆空意外枉亡者、新加坡暨东南亜亚历年精神病往亡者、全真演教历年登真羽侣之众道魂。





Jin Man Xian Lou, a branch of Yushan sect of Taoism, moved to Hong Kong from Foshan, Guangdong, China in 1949. Its current abbot, Master Luk, is the advisor of Taoist Association of Lufeng city as well as advisor of many Taoist temples in China. Jin Man Xian Lou is engaged in activities in areas that include amulet, fortune telling, geomancy, wellness, chanting, salvation and deliverance.

Jin Man Lou Singapore was established in 2002 as a private Taoist temple, with Ms Chua as Chairperson. Master Lu regularly comes to Singapore to preside over various rites that Jin Man Xian Lou organized.

The following rites were held since 2003:

2003: A deliverance rite was held at Boon Tiong Road to bless all who died of all kinds of accidents.

2005: A remembrance rite was held in Bukit Merah in honor of ancestors and to bless all who died in the Indian Ocean tsunami.

2007: A rite was held in Boon Tiong Road to dispel and ward off all misfortunes and to bless all who died of mental illnesses and in wars.

2008: in view of the severe earthquake in Sichuan, China a redemption rite was held to bless the deceased.

2011: A rite was held in Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 to bless all who died in the 311 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear tragedy in Tohoku, Japan in spite of the atrocities committed by Japan in the Second World War, as well as to bless all the deceased in Singapore & South-east Asia who departed in all forms of traffic accidents & who died of all forms of mental illnesses.

Under the guidance of Immortal Lu,  Jin Man Xian Lou promotes and propagates compassion of the Great Way of Taoism.

All are welcome to take part in our activities.

Please direct all enquiries to enquiries@jinmanxianlou.com



主持:陆名皓道长 Master Luk




